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Poke Swagg Shop Racing "Midnight Slurpee Run!" T-Shirt

Take a midnight trip to 7-Eleven with Psyduck in this super awesome 90's style T-shirt.

In japanese car culture, taking photos at night in front of 7-Eleven is super popular. I thought it would be awesome to incorperate and design this into a T-shirt. I had not originally intended to make it a Polaroid design, however as I brought my idea to life its started to take shape into what is presented here!


Really love how this one came out. I actually own a Polaroid and use it very regularly. It is my favorite way of taking photos. I feel it perfectly encapsulates the late 90's and is the most authentic way to capture a moment.


Every Poke Swagg Shop Apparel design is finished with a signature. 

This signature originated from the Poke Swagg Shop Formula Race Car Deign.

This signature sits prominantly on either side of the side pods of our fomula car. 

I had designed the car from the ground up, so the signature was my way of signing the car off. As an artist does on a canvas. I knew right then and there that this would be the future logo of any future apparel ventures of Poke Swagg Shop. It is my favorite part of the car and the very first design cue that originated from head to canvas for the car, and the only design cue that made it through all versions of the cars design.


I hope you enjoy and appriciate this design. 

Poke Swagg Shop Racing "Midnight Slurpee Run!" T-Shirt



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